Security & Compliance

Protect your IT Assets Actively

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Popular Threat Perceptions

Give the security cover that your business deserves

Providing perfect security for IT assets is critical for running your enterprise without a hitch. Qserve ITS provides custom security solutions that protect organization from cyber criminals. Our research team consisting of experts keep a tab on constantly changing threats and staying ahead by developing NextGen solutions.

Web Application Firewall

Rapid secure deployment of applications in the cloud our specialty

It has become imperative for business to move to the cloud for improving productivity and an agile environment. However also raises security issues and poses challenges that are difficult to counter. Web application firewall can stop threat from penetrating into IT assets by providing cover and security.

Time-tested II Security Solutions

The biggest threat that businesses face in the background are those that are not perceivable. As cyber criminals start to innovate, you need to stay ahead by deploying security solutions that are upgradeable to meet any kind of threats immediately.


Protects organizations from being victimized from internal security breaches

Clearly defined protocols can help organizations from being victimized. Role-based access can be defined on the basis of need to know concepts. Encryptions help to halt prying individuals trying to steal data.

Security Compliance

A well secured system is a prerequisite to making your IT assets industry standards compliant. This is the reason why we place much emphasize on security. Once security issues are addressed in cloud collocations, your enterprise can win customers’ confidence.

Popular Threat Perceptions

Penetration Testing
APT Assessment
Compliance Review
Application Security Audit
Social Engineering
Security Outsourcing
Security Consulting
Security Policy & Program

Our Range of Security Solutions

Security Information & Event Management
Network Behaviour Analysis
Data Leakage Prevention
Application Security Audit